Hormone Imbalance: Signs That Say You Need Help
It’s true. After a certain age, physical changes occur in our bodies that affect our energy level, mental sharpness, mood, physical appearance and even our sex drive.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we all came with indicator lights, like the ones in our cars, to let us know something needs fixing? And then get hooked up to a machine to diagnose and spit out a remedy?
Unfortunately, we are not there yet.
However, you would know to visit your doctor if you have chest pain, see blood in your urine or lose your balance too often. We know these symptoms are indicators that something is wrong. Right?
The same thing is true with hormone imbalance. Sometimes though, it happens so mildly over an extended period of time, that your hormones could be completely out of balance before the symptoms are obvious.
Because hormones are responsible for regulating a myriad of body functions, it is crucial that attention is paid to the slightest of signs.
When Can You Experience a Hormone Imbalance
Fluctuations in hormone levels occur during puberty, pregnancy, after childbirth, and during menopause. Did you know it can also be caused by illness, medications, or even lifestyle choices?
In some instances, you can address a hormone imbalance with exercise, diet and lifestyle changes. But if you do not see results despite the effort, it is important you visit your doctor or a hormone specialist for an evaluation.
Before you do that, let’s take a quick look at the most common telltale signs your hormone levels may be out of balance.
1. You Are Always Tired
If you struggle to get out of bed every morning, even after 8 hours of sleep, you may have a hormone imbalance. Not always, because a restless night can be caused by a myriad of factors.
A hormone imbalance can make you feel tired anytime. It is most evident if you are tired:
- after eating
- after a short hike or extended walk
- after exercising or any physical activity
You might even feel tired for no apparent reason at all.
The solution:
- If you are under a lot of stress, exercise. Exercising reduces cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that increases stress and anxiety
- Eliminate caffeinated drinks in the evening. They act as stimulants and it will be more difficult to fall asleep, which prevents a good night sleep
- Minimize alcohol. It may help you get to sleep, but it won’t be the restful kind that you need for optimal recovery
If all the above tips fail, consult with a hormone specialist. He or she will provide options that can bring your hormones back into balance quickly and efficiently for better sleep, allowing you to wake rested and energized.
2. Hips & Belly Fat
Remember the hormone cortisol? It’s also responsible for belly fat that accumulates around your mid-section. The majority of cortisol receptors are clustered there.
If cortisol levels are out of balance, you may find that you’re in a vicious cycle. You are likely suffering from high levels of stress, so you eat more, which puts on the pounds and further interrupts cortisol levels.
If you’re gaining weight around the hips, your estrogen level may be too high. You can experience irritability, tenderness in the breasts, and heavier periods.
Excess body fat produces estrogen and symptoms of PMS may increase in intensity.
The solution:
- If you crave sweets, your leptin levels may be low. Leptin is a hormone that tells your body when it is satisfied. If your insulin levels are high, it blocks leptin signals and makes you want to eat. It’s a problem that’s particularly evident when you are under stress. See your doctor.
- Take it easy on the carbs. If you struggle to keep your eyes open after a meal, your body may be having difficulty with the hormone insulin that’s needed to process the sugars in high-carb foods.
- Reduce your alcohol intake, especially beer.
Combined with lifestyle changes, balancing your hormone levels can help you lose the weight by turning off your weight gain hormone.
3. Brain Function
The physical effects of a hormone imbalance are very real and disruptive. The effects on your brain can be even more concerning. Some common symptoms you may notice include:
- Irritability
- mood fluctuations
- depression
- being moved to tears easily
When your hormones are out of sync, you may feel like your mind is functioning in a fog. You can have difficulty learning new things, recalling information, trouble concentrating, and feel mentally exhausted.
The solution:
- See your physician. Find out if you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, diabetes or low thyroid function. Some who are sensitive to dairy products or consume a lot of processed meat experience ongoing symptoms of brain fog.
- Reduce your stress levels and take time to relax. Get enough sleep and remember that exercise and meditation can help relieve stress and reduce excess weight.
- Cut down on sugar consumption and high-carb foods.
Balancing your hormones can bring you out of the mental fog and back into clarity without the need for drugs with undesirable side-effects or risk of addiction.
4. In the Bedroom
A mix of hormones interact each day in a delicate balance that affects your libido. Women produce less progesterone when cortisol levels are low. Those levels can be interrupted by the birth of a child, menopause, some surgical procedures, and with certain medications.
It can affect your ability to “get in the mood,” become sufficiently aroused or even achieve an orgasm. Sex may also become uncomfortable or painful.
The solution:
- It’s time to see your doctor about hormone replacement therapy
Hormones for Full Body Rejuvenation
Your body manufactures a myriad of hormones and any number of them can affect your physical, emotional and mental health. Depending on which of your hormones are out of balance and to what extent, you may be able to address your symptoms with lifestyle changes.
It’s important to remember that hormone replacement therapy isn’t just for menopausal women. Both men and women suffer from hormone imbalances.
Hormone therapy is an effective treatment for imbalances associated with aging, nutrition, weight management and sexual dysfunction. It’s effective for treating some types of diseases and medical conditions.
If you are always tired, have unexplained weight gain, feel like your operating in a mental fog, or your love life is suffering, hormone therapy can help your reclaim your normal self. You’ll feel energized, mentally alert and ready for any adventure life brings your way.
About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
BHRT is a treatment that is safe, effective at any age, and equally beneficial for men and women. The treatment can be delivered through a small pellet about the size of a grain of rice.
It is customized to your individual needs to deliver just the right amount of hormones 24/7.
BHRT is convenient and lasts 3 to 4 in women and 6 to 7 months in men before the pellet needs to be replaced. Some studies show it can also help protect against cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Your vitality and energy may be restored and your love life may be rejuvenated.